Miss Igorota visits the
Vienna International Centre, a.k.a. the UNO City, home to United Nations organizations in Vienna.

Miss Iggy in front of the 22-storey-high D-building, where UNOV (United Nations Office at Vienna), UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) and UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) are based. She loves this spot because the Philippine flag can be seen in front of the building. Can you see it?

Miss Igorota sneaks in one of the conference rooms during the lunch break of a conference on technology transfer and climate change.
i knew miss iggy has that diplomatic flair about her...she's quite the covert ambassador! hehe.
i should take my miss iggy to the UN in new york city one of these days...hmmm.
yes! i see our flaggy!
miss iggy is very cosmopolitan, huh.
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