Welcome to the Sisterhood of the Traveling Igorota

Now Blogging from the Philippines, Cambodia, New Jersey, Austria, Ireland, Spain, the United Arab Emirates & Maryland!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Jollibee in Queens, NY

Back in April, Princess Ody & Conniechiwa met in New York City for the first time. For lunch, they decided to eat at this famous Philippine fastfood chain--currently its only branch in the East Coast US--Jollibee in Queens, New York. When hunger stings, this bee brings joy of the yummy kind!

inside the yumburger lair at jollibee in queens yesterday.

This Jollibee branch is near 61st Street in Woodside. It's just minutes away from Manhattan via the 7 train. Queens is home to many Filipino shops and a very visible Filipino community pretty much like Jersey City in New Jersey, but with a resident red bee mentioned above!


Monday, November 8, 2010

Oh Fudge! It's Ging's Birthday!


Gingmaganda is celebrating a milestone birthday today!

Because life is meant to be savored and celebrated deliciously, here's a birthday fudge sheet cake by Conniechiwa on behalf of the Sisterhood and Miss Iggy! Here's wishing this year will be your passport to plenty of picture-perfect moments! 

Friday, November 5, 2010

Fiesta Time!

Miss Iggy loves fiestas! In the Philippines, there's always a fiesta somewhere in the islands all year-round! This one was at Pilar, Capiz last May 28-30, 2010. It's called the "Tagbu-an" Festival which coincides with the Feast of the Holy Trinity, as it is the town's religious patron. Since it has no fixed date, the fiesta alternates between May or June depending on the religious event mentioned.

Here's Miss Iggy with the official map of the municipality of Pilar as displayed inside the town hall. The fiesta's name "Tagbu-an" comes from the local dialect's root word "Tagbo," meaning "to meet." Since fortuitous faery's hometown is by the sea, most people are fishermen. The act of welcoming back fishermen with their catch of the day is called "Tagbu-an." Of course, what are festivals without merrymaking noise from happy townsfolk, such as these charming little banduria-playing girls?


And there were beautiful dancers in vibrant costumes, too!


There was a street-dancing competition in which dancers from different "baranggays" or town boroughs interpreted the same folk song. They were judged according to costume, choreography, and overall presentation.

Here's a short clip of a group's dance interpretation:

Miss Iggy had so much fun!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Greetings from Den Haag, South Holland

Last week, Wander Iggy paid a courtesy call at the Philippine Embassy in The Hague (pronounced in Dutch as 'Den Haaakk', with glottal slur). It was also our first first time in South Holland, so we had to look around. The Hague is the third largest city in the Netherlands, next to Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Less than an hour by train from Amsterdam Central, it is the country's seat of government, but not the capital (as Amsterdam is). Most people have the misconception of Den Haag  as a buiding, or a courtroom. Fact of the matter-- it is the de facto judicial capital of the United Nations, and is home to 150 International Organisations. It is currently being built up as the legal capital of the world, and houses the International Court of Justice inside the Vredespaleis (Peace Palace). Okay, let's leave the rest to wikipedia.

Peace Palace (where the party's at. houses the international court of justice)

Madurodam was the best place to spend your not so plenty money on, should you plan to travel around Holland. Why, you ask?

because it's the entire holland. On a budget. :)

Miss Iggy was so excited, she quickly climbed up the tallest buildings to check out the view.

...and here is a 'rare' picture of the red light district. :P

Have a good week ahead!
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