Welcome to the Sisterhood of the Traveling Igorota

Now Blogging from the Philippines, Cambodia, New Jersey, Austria, Ireland, Spain, the United Arab Emirates & Maryland!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


When Miss Igorota planned a trip to Davao in the southeasternmost part of the Philippines, she didn't know she would be in for a big, smelly fruity treat. As soon as she landed in Davao's airport, the distinct aroma of durian wafted into her nostrils and tickled her belly! Davao isn't called the Philippines' durian capital for nothing!

The little schoolgirl (who's taking quite a long break from school) learned a lot about the different products that can be made from durian. She got to try durian fresh from the fruit, durian tart, durian jam...
durian candies of different flavors (there was buko pandan, mocha, langka)...

durian bars...
durian cheesecake and durian coffee...

and durian ice cream!

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Durian Ice Cream Man," said Miss Igorota, feeling the bright sunshine in her belly.

Oh, and what's this?

It's durian flan! Miss Iggy washed it down with a special blend of mangosteen frappe.


That's a lot of durian! Miss Iggy made sure to buy durian treats as pasalubong for her friends and family back home. Of course, she had to have a durian of her own!
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